Futbol Club Sudamerica is proud to be a part of our wonderful community. We are also proud to carry ourselves with high standards all around as our goal is to be the most professionally managed soccer club in Georgia. In order to preserve and protect our intentions, it is the strict policy of FC Sudamerica that all teams and individuals abide by the following guidelines for practices, games and tournaments.
• Players must arrive at the field 10-15 minutes prior to practice time.
• Players must practice only in the FC Sudamerica training uniform. Players will not be allowed to practice if they are not wearing the appropriate practice gear.
• Players must wear shin-guards.
• Players must bring plenty to drink for the occasion.
• If a player will arrive late or leave a practice early, the Team Manager must be notified in advance.
• If player needs to miss a practice, notification must be made to the Team Manager.
• Players are allowed to practice with other teams in the club (check with both Team Managers first).
• Parents are not allowed to step on the field to speak with the coach or players during practice. In the case of an emergency, please use common sense when notifying a coach so as not to alarm the other players.
• Parent communication needs to always go to Team Managers first. Coaches will communicate back through team Managers.
• Parents must avoid personal text messages, personal TeamSnap messages, emails, and unscheduled phone calls with coaches and directors.
• If you would like a conference with the coach, an appointment should be made either before or after the practice through the Team Manager.
• Players must arrive at the game field from 45 minutes to 1 hour before the game.
• Players must arrive properly and uniformly dressed.
• Players must only warm up with their teammates and coaches.
• Players can only be instructed by the coach during the game. The parents’ role is strictly encouragement – no coaching.
• Any involvement of the parent with their player during the game has to be designated by the coach (injuries, water breaks, etc.)
• If a player will be late for the game or has to leave the game early, the Team Manager must be notified in advance.
• During the games, parents should refrain from making any comments towards the game officials or players. The referees and linesmen should always be dealt with in a professional and courteous manner.
• Parents are not allowed to approach the coach after the game for discussions about playing time, playing position etc. for 24 hours. Conferences should be scheduled for another time through Team Manager.
• Every coach, player and parent must behave according to Georgia Youth Soccer Association or United States Club league and tournament rules.
• Itinerary should be given to all the players by the coach or manager before departure to any out of town tournament.
• We strongly encourage players to travel together as a team.
• As long as the team is still playing in the tournament, players are required to meet at a designated area at a designated time as specified by the coach or manager to do any team related activities such as meals, walks, etc.
• Teams will be traveling from the hotel to the fields and back together.
• Players must be dressed uniformly when departing to the games.
• Using the swimming pool, Jacuzzi, exercise equipment, or the like must only be done with permission of the coach.
• Players must never leave the hotel without permission of the coach, even if leaving with their parents. The coach must know the whereabouts of all players at all times.
• Players must follow the itinerary and must follow curfew precisely.
• For teams U9-U13, the players have the option of staying with their own parents.
• For teams of age 14 and up, the players must room together if required by the coach.
• Every person associated with FC Sudamerica must follow the rules of the hotel in which they are staying.
• Players are not allowed to run around in the hotel, play soccer in the hotel hallways, or walk barefoot or shirtless.
• If the tournament has both male and female teams, casual association during free time will be allowed in public areas, but absolutely no player will enter the rooms of players of the opposite sex.
• If a conference is necessary between the coach and an individual player, it must be done in the lobby of the hotel or if a more private area is required, then it needs to be done in the presence of a manager or the parent of the player or another adult.
Players are expected to maintain appropriate behavior at all times, and to refrain from any destructive behavior including drinking, smoking, use of drugs, etc.
It is important to trust our players to obey club rules because of the responsibilities we assume as being a member of the club. Any violation of these policies will be dealt with in an appropriate manner as these actions are a direct reflection on our club.
In due time, our Club will earn a national reputation of excellence and these rules have been established to help make our environment more professional, enjoyable and safe for everyone.
Please feel free to discuss any concerns or ideas with the directors of the club or the board members. Feel free to contact us any time.